

Creation 10th of january 2006 at l’Opéra de Rouen/Haute-Normandie. Rerun in Cité de la musique.

Musical direction  : Oswald Sallaberger
Dramaturgy and staging : Emmanuelle Cordoliani

Zaïde : Shigeko Hata 
Gomatz : Eric Laporte 
Allazim : Vincent Deliau 
Le sultan Soliman : Jérôme Billy
Osmin : Alain Herriau

Zaide, last dream of a condemned man.

In a jail, a dead beat man,by all forgotten, drops from exhaustion. He’s so worn out that he does not know anymore that he’s asleep. What are the dreams of a broken man like? The warmth of a mother, rocking him gently as a fairy. Wealth poured from the sky. Love, woman-shaped. Friendship offered by another man. Most of all, freedom. But time flies in the hourglass of rest, the quite close reality lies in wait and contaminates the dream, which turns to nightmare. The dreamer will nevertheless prefer this particular hell to awaking.

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